I'm a writer. There, I've admitted it. I wonder if there's a 12-Step program for folks like me...

Most of this blog will be about writing for a living. Or maybe about trying to earn a living as a writer. Or maybe about trying to have a life while you write.

And maybe I'll be able to avoid the driving temptation to write about politics. But I'm not very good around temptation, so all I can promise is that I'll try to avoid writing about politics.

But I will write about the software I use, and the software I try out, and what I think about it. I actually spent lots of years in software testing - as a tester and as a manager of testing departments. I actually started work in software development in 1971, so I have a bit of experience with computers to back up what I have to say on this subject.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A very belated post indeed

Please accept my apologies. I had very good intentions of writing this post over the weekend. Really, I did, but I found myself travelling on a very smooth road just paved with all of those good intentions, and couldn’t find an exit.

I recently released a collection of essays and articles I’d had published in Israel back in 2001 in Kindle format, and never had any intention of printing a single copy. I didn’t see any demand for the material; but one never knows, does one? I figured two or three Kindle sales a month, maybe, if that. Which brings us back to those good intentions I mentioned earlier. someone mentioned that college students might find a use for such material , and two of the bookstores that carry my novels expressed an interest in carrying the material. so I had to reformat everything, add a bit of commentary to the introduction of each piece and I added an Afterward to each to bring the material up to date and a Postscript to wrap the whole thing up in a nice and tidy package.

So now, what started as a 57 page booklet of little or no interest to most people is now one hundred pages, spiral bound, printed on one face with plenty of room for notes and a nice *.jpg cover on glossy photo paper with a  clear plastic cover. Unfortunately, printing costs being what they are, it’s not gonna be anywhere near as inexpensive as the Kindle version. They will have to retail at $15.00 for anyone to make a penny on the sale.

Oddly enough, the material does have more than a little relevance. The articles deal with Israeli politics and Muslim terror groups, and I don’t pull any punches with either subject.

And then there’s Windows 7.

I like it. Sort of. But my big bugaboo with Win 7 is that it drops my ‘Always On’ internet connect whenever it wants to, and that really ticks me off. And it’s a resource hog of the first order.

Enough said. If you have any solution to the internet connection issue in Win 7, please post a  comment. And yes, I’ve already thought of dropping back to Win XP SP3.

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