I'm a writer. There, I've admitted it. I wonder if there's a 12-Step program for folks like me...

Most of this blog will be about writing for a living. Or maybe about trying to earn a living as a writer. Or maybe about trying to have a life while you write.

And maybe I'll be able to avoid the driving temptation to write about politics. But I'm not very good around temptation, so all I can promise is that I'll try to avoid writing about politics.

But I will write about the software I use, and the software I try out, and what I think about it. I actually spent lots of years in software testing - as a tester and as a manager of testing departments. I actually started work in software development in 1971, so I have a bit of experience with computers to back up what I have to say on this subject.

Friday, May 6, 2011

New Non-fiction Kindle project completed

Way back in 2001, while I was living and working in Israel, I published several essays and articles in local newspapers and a few PoliSci web sites. These pieces ran from a thousand to ten thousand words and covered such diverse subjects as the structure of the Israeli government,  the political machinations of Shimon Peres, Clauswitz on war, asymmetrical warfare, the history and structure of terror groups and tactical and strategic targets of terror attacks in the U.S..

I just gave them a review last week and was astonished to find how much relevance they still held for today. So I have published them in a collection and added an introduction and an afterward to each piece, and then bookended the whole thing with a proper Introduction and Postscript to wrap things up.

All in all the work is less than 60 pages, and will only be available for the Kindle.  You can take a look at it by clicking on this link:


I am working on a book-length review of the history and structure of Muslim terror groups, but it will not be available until some time next year. I still have to complete “Lonesome Cove” and see to the publishing of “Twisted Key”.

Have a good weekend.

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