(Scroll down to the end to see the cover art for “Lonesome Cove”!)
I hated it the first time, too. Just as much as I hated it this time. And I knew – I knew I was gong to hate every minute of it. And I went and did it again anyway.
Not that I had any choice in the matter.
Needless to say, I’m referring to rebuilding my web site for the second time in a month. At least this time I DO get a blog page (not that I’ve figured out how to get a blog onto it yet) and I DO get analytics (not that there’s been any traffic on the site yet), and not that it looks particularly good or even in the same ball park of what I want it to look like.
But www.garyshowalter.com is Live. It’s up there, it’s been Published, however you want to say it. My web site is out there once again for all the world to see. And just as soon as I get around to adding in the keywords and metatags on the pages folks should be able to pull it up in google, yahoo and any other search engine. Some day. Better be soon, too.
And there’s even a Contact Us form at the bottom of the nav bar. Wowie. Am I big time, or what?
There is an awful lot of work to do still. The Home page has an irritating table on the right side that just has to go. I’ll stick on another page and put the contents where they belong – on a page of their own. I don’t have an Events Page, either, so that has to be added, and I still need to get all of the book cover icons inserted and linked to the correct book pages on Amazon for punch-through’s. And a dozen other little odds and sods.
And the colors are – well, not attractive. I’m no diva when it comes to color coordinating stuff. I just do not pay any attention to that sort of thing. But even I can see it is not what I want it to be.
And I’m supposed to be a writer, not some geeky web site builder. Actually, I spent years in web site building and testing. I even did it for a very profitable living. But there is a very good reason I do not do this stuff for a living now. I do not enjoy it, not the least little bit. All that fiddly, hunty-pecky stuff sets my teeth on edge.
Enough. I’m ranted out for the evening. If you would pretty please with sugar on go to www.garyshowalter.com and poke around for a bit. Please, use that form on the Contact Us page and let me know what YOU think I should do. Especially if you have any opinions on the colorizing issue. I sure don’t.
Here’s an interesting thing that actually has to do with writing stuff. Sorta. I finally got the cover art photographed for “Lonesome Cove”!
Here it is, without any of the graphics in the way. All of my cover art is painted especially for my book covers by Mickey Summers of Silver Springs, Florida and used with his permission.
Neat, huh? Mickey Summers is a great artist. Thanks, Mickey!
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