It’s embarrassing, I know. If I had a choice I’d fire myself right now, but somebody has to do this stuff, and I’m the only guy I’ve got who has the slightest idea what I’m doing.
Besides, with what I’m paying myself (no where near what I’m worth), I can’t afford to hire someone to do it for me.
And just what am I talking about here?
Why, moving my web site to another host, of course. And I’m really excited about it, too. NOT. One. Little. Bit.
I ‘own’ my domain name,, and when I decided to set up my web site with Microsoft’s Office Live for Small Business hosting service I got a pretty good deal. I redirected the domain name from to OLSB and had a fairly easy time of it over the next year or so.
Until the other day, when I received an email from Microsoft stating that OLSB would be reaching the end of its life cycle on 30 April, 2012. Well, it just sucks to be me, I guess, because with everything else I have to do I now have to move my web site.
But, wait a minute. The email continued to say that I could sign up for Office 365! And what is that, I hear you ask? It is Microsoft’s answer to everything on line, of course. For a very reasonable monthly fee I will have access to the same level of service ‘real’ companies get from Microsoft (and it really is a very reasonable – and small – monthly fee).
And nobody has made me a better offer, anyway. At least, not since I got that damned email from Microsoft. I know. I’ve checked.
So early this morning I downloaded everything from my current web site – photos, documents and icons and stored it all in neatly arranged folders I’ll never find again, ever, right on my Desktop. They’re still there, somewhere. I’m sure they are.
Then I went about the very first steps in moving stuff to Office 365, which including figuring out how to verify for the sake of Microsofties everywhere that I actually had the rights to my very own domain name. But it didn’t work out the way they said it would in their documentation, you see. I know, because I read through it several times and even sent emails asking for clarification.
They’re still laughing over those emails up in Redmond, I’m sure. Along with the thousands of other emails asking for clarification from all of the other web site administrators who are facing the same thing I am today.
Well, I said screw that for a really bad idea and just started to do it my way, and actually got some stuff done. When you don’t know what to do, do something. Even if it’s wrong. At least you will get a result, which is always better than no result because you didn’t have the guts to make a decision with what you did know.
I’m still waiting on word from the Microsofties. It might even be in English, which I should be able to read; if they keep the techno-babble to a minimum.
I’ll let you know how this works out.
But the important thing now is that my web site just might no longer exist. If it doesn’t now, it will soon, some day, probably. And it will still be at www, Some day. Maybe. Probably. I sure hope so. Depends on how many Microsoft techs I piss off in the meantime, I guess.
Sty tuned.
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