I'm a writer. There, I've admitted it. I wonder if there's a 12-Step program for folks like me...

Most of this blog will be about writing for a living. Or maybe about trying to earn a living as a writer. Or maybe about trying to have a life while you write.

And maybe I'll be able to avoid the driving temptation to write about politics. But I'm not very good around temptation, so all I can promise is that I'll try to avoid writing about politics.

But I will write about the software I use, and the software I try out, and what I think about it. I actually spent lots of years in software testing - as a tester and as a manager of testing departments. I actually started work in software development in 1971, so I have a bit of experience with computers to back up what I have to say on this subject.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Kindle vs Nook vs Sony vs etc. There’s a real battle going on


Sooner or later the real winner will be the consumer. We’ve seen this before; the first time I recall was VHS vs. Betamax tapes. Even the CD and DVD weren’t immune, and don’t get me started on digital movie formats.

The retail giants have a vested interest in tying their customers to their coattails, but the consumer is always the looser. Their eBook readers as so designed that the reader gives up a bit of independence in exchange for a set of functionalities on the eBook reader of his choice.

That is never a good plan. In the end the giants will come to realize that locking the consumer to their reader denies them the readers who patronize the ‘other’ digital libraries. In the end every book reader will be able to download and display eBooks from every digital book retailer.

I promise.

About three weeks ago, I set up a fund-raising project at Kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/344026567/publication-of-my-third-novel-twisted-key

I’ve had a rough few years with health issues – I’ve lead an interesting if somewhat wearing life, and now I’m paying the price. That aside, I have my third novel selling in both Kindle and Nook format but lack the funds to cover the cost of producing the paperback version. So Kickstarter’s crowdfunding makes sense. What you do is to pay for a signed and numbered copy of “Twisted Key” in advance of publication. And when I get the copies delivered to me I mail them out. Click on the link above, visit the project page and read what I’m offering in exchange for your hard-earned money.

My first novel, “The Big Bend”, had a few editorial issues. It still does, in the paperback version, but one of the many advantages of digital publishing is that I have made many corrections to the novel and in minutes had it back up online, re-published in both formats.

I really like digital publishing. But I really love books, too.

Take a few minutes and look over the project proposal, will you, please?

Have a great 4th of July, and stay safe.

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