I'm a writer. There, I've admitted it. I wonder if there's a 12-Step program for folks like me...

Most of this blog will be about writing for a living. Or maybe about trying to earn a living as a writer. Or maybe about trying to have a life while you write.

And maybe I'll be able to avoid the driving temptation to write about politics. But I'm not very good around temptation, so all I can promise is that I'll try to avoid writing about politics.

But I will write about the software I use, and the software I try out, and what I think about it. I actually spent lots of years in software testing - as a tester and as a manager of testing departments. I actually started work in software development in 1971, so I have a bit of experience with computers to back up what I have to say on this subject.

Friday, October 21, 2011

More on XLibris Publishing

This is a short post, but important. I got a call a few days ago from a woman in XLibris’ Customer Service Department. She told me she’d been out of town when my first email arrived (two weeks ago) and that work had not moved on it as it should have, for which she apologized. We then discussed my primary issues – cost-per-unit to order copies, missing LLC# and the reduced font size in the body of the text.

She said she’d get back to me Thursday night, but only called today, around 1:15. With an offer I chose not to refuse. An offer good enough for me to agree to. My cost-per-unit is now reduced to less than half of the original, my royalties increased and the LLC# and font size issues will be corrected.

Since it would cost me another $1500.00 to move to another publisher and “Twisted Key” would not be available to purchase for several months, I chose to remain with XLibris Publishing. Right decision, or wrong? Time will tell. But now I know that this company is capable of correcting issues for its authors, and I find that encouraging.

But in all cases, fellow authors, do your homework and research thoroughly before signing anything with anyone. The new deal with XLibris is not ideal, but it is good enough to satisfy me, and keep my novel in their list.

I learned a lot in this ordeal; a lot of stuff I thought I had down pat. Guess I didn’t. But I do now.

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